Friday, December 16, 2011

lovely 25 :-)

Celebrating our 25th months 2gether:-)thank u Allah:-)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

invitation card:-)

-) :

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

my engagement:-)

ok sy tau agak cengkerik di sy juge tau yg my engagemnt telah berlalu berbulan2 i jst x help myself frm wrtng dis.ble bukak fb nampak sume org bertunang n kawen.alhamdulillah.happy 4 them!n sy jugak nk uplod few pics frm my e-day (yes, i knw 2 those who haf my fb wud prolly haf seen them bt hey im in d mood 2 do so silela layan shj B-)

wif my beloved family.<3 them so much!

wif my soon-2-b-family insyaallah :-)

omg.pic nh buat sy rase nk kipas2 k (*-*)v

muke x puas ati 1

muke x puas ati 2

kekwn lelaki :-)

kekwn permpuan :-)

UM rox :-)

Tq guys.hope 2 c u on my weddng pulak ye :-)

2 aimi zahiah, jamme n sesape yg sy kenal yg baru bertunang, selamat menjadi tunangan org.bykkan bersbr dlm tempoh nh k.n kawen jgn lupe jemput:p

2 dilla n nyon, selamat pengantin baru!

2 hazwani n asha..cant wait 4 ur weddingB-)

n 2 cik A yg akan bertunang.gewd luck babe!c u soon B-)

woots woots

i haf a confession!sy mmg x reti nk update my blog.everytym i nk tulis somethng then i jst x tau hw post one.i mean xtau mcm mane nk klik baru dpt jumpe d 'dashboard'.then ble dh dpt all my semangat dh ilang T-T (tangisan si buta IT)

enuf wif dat.nw nk membebel psl my weddng preparation laks.yes ppl!u'v heard it getting married in _4 days time B-)wee~ 2 much dugaan bt alhamdulillah finally the big day is really coming soon!nervous+excited!*chicken dance*haha

dis tym around, d preparation lg ssh dr tunang.owh, havent i told u that kitorg hanye start buat preparation 4 our engagement sebulan setangah b4 d event.n my baju baru buat 2 minggu b4 d tunang!thank god everythng turned out fine.n nasib baik jugak me n cem adelah org yg sgt simple.pelamin pun xde.cume ramai kwn2 je dtg.owh lupe nk ckp wpun dh lambt.time kaseh sume yg sudi dtg!terharu T-T

actly nk jd mcm org lain, post everythng bout d wedding in their blog.mcm epy je tym sy bace knwing me,nw sy dh hopefully 2moro i will haf d semangat 2 update more.owh, papepun i will definitely uplod d pic of my akad nikah's jatuh cinta pandang pertama ok dgn die!ok sy over.haha.later k..daaa~

p/s: x worry cem,sy cinta awak lebey dr dat sy sgt suke baju 2:p

Thursday, October 20, 2011

give me a smile

Give me a smile, Don’t be sad
It’s going to be alright. Don’t shed a tear
The song that I am singing now
I hope that it can bring you a bit of comfort
Give me a smile, Don’t get hurt
It’s going to be alright, although you are going through a hard time now
Time will pass
Everything will look up again

Give me a smile
I am right here by your side
I love you, can you hear my heart?
Close your eyes
No matter what, I believe you
I am always here for you
Give me a smile, look into my eyes
I love you, I have always been looking at your heart
It has never changed
You can lean on my shoulders
Take a rest,
Give me a smile.
I am here for you,
me who believes in you
always and forever

Park Shin Hye International Fanclub|

a song frm Heartstring.korean movie featuring yong hwa n shin hye.yesterday i was so emo n suddenly tgk d part yg shin hye mcm byk sgt masalah n lari duk atas bangunan sekolah. yong hwa x dpt cari die n die telah nyanyi lagu nh n on d mic so dat shin hye bleh dgr.T-T.lame kan? guess what?it works perfectly 4 a soap-opera-addict like x pernah gagal utk excited ble tgk scenes yg suweet2 dlm of course in reality dis kind of thng x exist.(yes2, i gt scolded many tyms bcz of dis) bt it'd b nice 2 haf some1 by ur side when u haf so many problemkan? bukan over sampai menyanyi bg satu sekolah dgrla.dang!.bt jst b there n x add more stress .

kpd sesiapa yg belum tgk cite nh, plz do kaloo korg suke cite2 yg suweet2 n typical luv story in high still dis cite cannot beat my dokko jin shi py cite..haha..

p/ easily touched..even if it's only in a film, i strongly believe dat i can feel the character..T-T..ok i knw im overreacting nw.thanx.bye

Monday, September 19, 2011

jaga hati

i learnt another lesson in life.d phase whr u haf 2 jaga ati org as in ur kawan is so dh lame lepas especially when u're already 25 years old nw.

ameer selalu marah kate sy selalu terlalu byk pk sy degil cz sy selalu pk if sy kene mcm 2 how?i knw my frenz..n sometimes knwng 2 much is just a burden cz terlalu byk kite akn pk jst 4 d sake nk buat org2 sekeliling kite epy..n 2day i oficially give up.

so frm now on i shall x longer be dat xtra cautious wif my action 4 it might hurt others.4 instance, x more x tagging in my pictures. i shall tag any1 yg i nak.if u thnk im cruel, feel free 2 untag or jst block it k.

cz after all these years, im so done wif all these jaga ati craps.

p/s..cant wait 2 c my lovely frens dis coming saturday:-)

Monday, September 12, 2011

sarah's getting hitched!wee~

my fren's getting married in two weeks' time!am so excited 4 her.saw her latest photo n omg!she's gorgeous!d face is so glowy wif d 'seri pengantin'.n d body?xpyh ckpla.praying dat i wud haf d same discipline later b4 my big day.amin. B-)

anyway, dis post is dedicated 2 cik-soon-2-b-puan-siti sarah:-) as i x get 2 celebrate her earlier~

we 1st met in 2005. i was one of the late i x join the orientation.(i swear i x skip it on purpose:p). as such, i x get d chance 2 knw evry1 in d batch like every1 else did. Sarah WAS very friendly back then (notice the CAPS:p) .jst kidding.she still is fact, if u knw her very well u will be like "omg, apsal baik sgt minah nh?"dat was my 1st impression. she's a very soft-spoken type of gal dat u wud want 2 avoid meeting ur parents wif if u x wanna hear d-ha-cube-jadi-lembut-mcm 2-barula-mcm-anak-dara comment frm them;p bt most of all, i will always remember her as my source of 'ketupat'..enuf said bout d i mentioned earlier she's gettin maried soon!i seriously x knw y am i so extra excited 4 her big day.perhaps becoz dis is d 1st tym one of my close frens in UM is getting married. we've known each other 4 like 6 years.n we've seen each other in our worst condition n self. we disagreed wif each other.dissatisfied wif each other bt at d end of d day, we still accept each other 4 d person we are.tq mak long:-)

2 sarah aka maklong, congrats in advance ye..epy sgt2 ko dh nk kawen.mcm x caye je finally salah sorg dr kite dh bakal jd PUAN:p tahniah sekali lg maklong!moga ko n man bahagia hingga ke akhr hayat!doakan aku bleh mengurus mcm ko jugak nanti:p muah~

pic taken sometime in February 2011. u shud see her latest pic.d seri pengantin!:-)

luvly couple..soon 2 be hubby n wife:-)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


ari nh thp kesbran sy sekali lg diuji..jika anda sakit di sekitar kuantan, n kerana sy syg anda sume sy nk berpesan jgnla pegi ke klinik sekirenye anda perlukan tempat utk melepaskan marah silelah ke sane kerana anda bleh lepaskan marah tanpe rase besalah kerana seisi keluarga klinik itu baik doc mahupun staf adalah sgt kurang ajar.

mcm mane u bleh tau org 2 sakit ape just by looking at dat person?not dat i wanted u 2 touch me, bt u thnk ppl nanges dpn u 4 fun ke? u rase i drove all d way dlm keadaan trafic yg horror 2 just utk tgk u tgk sy balik sambil u tulis atas kertas n d whole thngy x sampai 2 minit pun???show some effortla dude..i paid u kot..wif dat kind of service n yet u still had d guts 2 bill me dat high?oh my, ur confidence level mmg tgi kan?

plzla doc..kite nh masing2 keje dlm bidang bg servis kat org.even if dats ur own clinic skali pun, havent u heard of d word amanah? u x do ur responsibility n yet u claimed money 4 it.btul ke 2?u tau x if u menipu mcm 2 duit 2 sort of x berkat.n if u bg ur family dat money espc ur kids u tau x ape impaknye?

huih, teremo lebey pulak sy, huhu..kpd kwn2 sy yg bakal or sudahpun jd harap anda x begitu..jgnla tambahkan lg kesakitan pesakit anda..huhu..but ape yg sy ckp n tulis nh ape yg sy rase je tau based on common sense..shud dat is actually ur standard practice, sy mintak maaf.bkn nk kutuk bt sy still rase doc ptt tnjk skett effort baru pesakit x rase mcm org bdh..huhu duk membebel nh seriously bkn sbb sy kesah sgt pasal die charged me dat mahal cz afterall d firm pun yg byr bt i jst x thnk its right ape yg doc 2 buat..huhu


sy penat..kdg2 rase nk give kene kuatkan semangat..i hate my job..well who doesnt?

lately my life sgt penuh dgn masalah..bkn nak sgt besyukur dgn ape yg allah dh berikan pd sy.i really am.cume sy just nk luahkan seems dat i x longer haf any1 or any place 2 share my probs.sume yg sy buat sume mesti kene jage ati orgla..jage tingkah lakula..d mmnt my status kat fb bertukar skett ppl wll start assuming it's all bout my rship..plzla korg, if becinta mmg sume kene update pasal rship ke?i x be unhappy wif my work?wif my surroundings?

even if i sometimes haf probs wif my lovelife, wut's wrong wif dat? normallakan? somemore sy nh pompuan of course emo terlebey of course 2 some ppl i shudnt do dat cz x elok buke pekung di ape je option yg sy ade?adekah ble dh becinte maksudnye kene makan ati sorg2 since u xleh share probs dgn org lain n yet u kene jage pasangan u?

i miss my besfrenz