Wednesday, October 6, 2010

now..dis is disappointing:..

it's been a while since i last updated dis blog..n dis will b d 1st moody entry dat will b posted here..

sy sgt keras kepala..but dat doesnt mean xbleh ditegur..u cn tegur me anytym n anywhere but most of d tym u will x get d positive responses frm me..but dat doesnt mean jugak i x noted ape yg diberitahu..

n it's really disappointing 2 haf some1 2 tegur u in a very bossy way when all u need 2 do is talk 2 me nicely..

bukan x bleh tegur..i knw niat dorg baik..but 2 my u c dat mende yg sy nk buat 2 is not even a sin..cume it will lead 2 fitnah org (as claimed)..only then cn considrd a it's x a direct sin..but these ppl yg ckp nh sah2la mmg ada buat dosa(x 2 b mentioned) y on earth are these ppl tegur n emo as tho i've committed d biggest sin eva? so dosa yg u buat 2 mcm mane?

im sorry if sy ade org terase ati dgn dis post but i haf x other way 2 express my it's my personal blog n im entitled 2 say anythng dat i want..if u x suke..simple.dont read.

sy xtau org lain..but 4 me..nk tegur org ade caranye..especially pompuan..if some1 dh biase buat sesuatu n u x suke talk 2 her nicely..bukannye emo n nak ckp pasal maruah pompuan 2.. d fact dat pompuan 2 buat dgn slambenya means yg die x tau u xsuke..if org 2 pentng 2 u like ur sis, gf, sedara or any1 yg u sgt care of..then talk 2 her nicely..unless she's ur sis..u cannot expct her 2 haf d same culture like u do get it? 2 her may be it's ok but 2 u it might be a big deal..all u need 2 do is talk nicely..d fact dat die buat doesnt mean die setuju mende 2 btul or if u xsuke..just tegur n ckp elok2..simple kan?

even dlm islam pun ckp pompuan nh mcm tulang laki kan? nak tegur jgn terlalu kasar cz nanti akan patah n jgn jugak terlalu lembut(am x sure d exact quote,but d gist is there:p)

wanna share dis wif cem..but dont thnk die akan setuju..same ade die akan jwb "mokngat" atau "awak mmg ganster" atau die akan setuju dgn teguran org knwing him die mmg akan sgt protective mende2 mcm nih..haih..nasib badan..huhu..but i still luv u cem!B-)

but wait..dis post was supposed 2 end wif sadness n full of sy sgt sedey..meh tlg pujuk sy meh..T-T..heeee


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